Sisense Add-ons

The following Sisense Add-Ons and Tools are crafted to help you maximize the value of your data. They enhance user experience, boost performance, expand self-service capabilities, streamline dashboard development, and more.

Feel free to download free trials, request a demo, or discuss the PALDI plugins with us.

Sisense Freebies Plugins

  • No Coding
    Get an enormous amount of Sisense capability, logic, and style within one simple design toolbar.
  • Official Support
    All of our plugins are officially supported on all Sisense versions on both Windows and Linux distributions.

Sisense Advanced Visualizations Plugins

  • Full Customization Control
    Enjoy full control over data visualization and styling options to create jaw-dropping Dashboards.
  • Deep Analysis and Insights
    Create widgets that give real meaningful insight instead of just painting data.
  • No Coding
    Get an enormous amount of Sisense capability and logic, within one simple design toolbar.
  • Official Support
    All of our plugins are officially supported on all Sisense versions on both Windows and Linux distributions.

Sisense Exports Plugins

  • Export to Excel / CSV / PDF / PowerPoint
    Endless export options for all file types.
  • Easy to Use
    Export any dashboard, widget, and data with a single click.
  • No Coding
    Use the exports plugins to design branded and personalized presentations – no code required!
  • Designed for OEM
    Enhance OEM deployments and reporting with necessary exporting options.
  • Official Support
    All of our plugins are officially supported On all Sisense versions on Windows and Linux distributions.

Sisense OEM and Admin Plugins

  • Performance
    Enhance your dashboard performance and reduce infrastructure costs.
  • Admin And Management
    Savetime and empower your users with advanced admin capabilities
  • Accessibility
    Meet web accessibility standards for your dashboards.
  • No Coding
    Get an enormous amount of advanced capability within Sisense without a single line of code required.
  • Official Support
    All of our plugins are officially supported on all Sisense versions on both Windows and Linux distributions.

Sisense Self Service Plugins

  • True Self-Service BI
    Supercharge your users by enabling them to interact with their data how they want.
  • Induce Adoption
    Help your users analyze their data in real-time and make better business decisions.
  • Dynamic Dashboards
    Switch between charts, measures, and dimensions wherever you need.
  • No Coding
    Get an enormous amount of Sisense capability, logic, and style within one simple design toolbar.
  • Official Support
    All of our plugins are officially supported on all Sisense versions on both Windows and Linux distributions.

Sisense Pivots and Tables Plugins

  • Self Service
    Giving users the freedom to view and interact with their data the way they want.
  • Performance Boosting
    Save dashboard space, and get the work of several widgets in one.
  • No Coding
    Get an enormous amount of Sisense capability, logic, and style within one simple design toolbar.
  • Financial Analysis
    Analyze trends and display multiple values in a single cell.
  • Customization API
    Customize existing Paldi Pivots&Tables to your needs, and save time and money on developing your own plugins.
  • Official Support
    All of our plugins are officially supported on all Sisense versions on both Windows and Linux distributions.

Sisense Filters

  • Advanced Filters Capabilities.
    Unlock advanced filtering capabilities using high-end modern UI.
  • No Coding.
    Get an enormous amount of filters capabilities, logic, and styling within one simple design toolbar.
  • Date Range Filter.
    Periodic comparison, predefined time period selection and background date filter.
  • Control Hierarchy.
    “Tree-like” filter for an internal hierarchy of levels within a single dropdown.
  • Enhance Dashboard UI.
    Limit the number of filters for your exact needs.
  • Official Support.
    All of our plugins are officially supported On all Sisense versions on both Windows and Linux distributions.